*Business project to create an infrastructure to evaluate the efficiency of heat transfer


Our organization has fully financed and spearheaded the development of groundbreaking technology and methodology in the field of geothermal and petrothermal energy. This project was executed by a team of leading scientists, with all intellectual property rights for the TERMOSCI product officially registered.

Our innovative product has received widespread recognition and high praise from esteemed Western partners, including London Oil and Gas, Schlumberger, Halliburton Company, and British Petroleum. It represents a world-class, unparalleled technology that sets new standards in the energy industry.

What Makes TERMOSCI Unique?
Our advanced solution, developed using sophisticated mathematical models, enables:

  • Assessment of Well Utilization Potential: Precisely evaluate the capacity and efficiency of wells.

  • Maximization of Efficiency: Implement tailored strategies to optimize energy production.

  • Technology and Equipment Optimization: Ensure the deployment of the most suitable technologies and tools for each project.


🔵Unique Technology
Our geothermal energy project utilizes advanced and unique technology solutions that provide clean energy.

🔵High profit
🔵Ecological significance
🔵Energy revolution


🔵Maximum output and efficiency
Our technology produces consistently renewable and clean energy.

🔵Efficient well utilization
Both existing and new wells, increasing overall productivity and reducing costs.

🔵Low land requirement
🔵Location and climate independence


🔵Patented process
Efficient utilization of spent, plugged gas and oil wells and other wells.

Maximizing resource utilization The technology efficiently utilizes spent and plugged wells, providing additional revenue additional profits.

🔵The future of clean energy clean energy


The software, created on the basis of the developed mathematical model, both for Hot Dry Rock wells and for mothballed (unplugged, unused and / or low-debit) oil, gas and exploration wells, including shelf ones, allows us to evaluate the prospects of using these wells for obtaining heat and electricity. Depending on the data received, for a specific well, it is possible to select technological equipment for generating heat and electricity:


Scheme of a three-dimensional model of temperature distribution and location of the circulation system for extracting petrothermal energy of solid rock with a natural permeable reservoir. HC - injection well, ES - production well, K - collector.


● Windfarms

○ Offshore

■ High construction cost per MW

■ High maintenance cost

○ Onshore

■ High construction cost per MW

■ Land requirements

● Wave and tidal

■ Extremely high construction cost

■ Low output


■ Could be an answer

Compare to other alternative energy sources, geothermal not depend on season,

weather, wind, light or anything else and works with maximum output 24/7/365

Geothermal power station types:

● Dry steam power stations

○ Dry steam stations are the simplest and oldest design. They directly use geothermal steam of 150 °C or greater to turn turbines.

● Flash steam power stations

○ Flash steam stations pull deep, high-pressure hot water into lower-pressure tanks and use the resulting flashed steam to drive turbines. They require fluid temperatures of at least 180 °C, usually more. This is the most common type of station in operation today. The hot water flows up through wells in the ground under its own pressure. As it flows upward, the pressure decreases and some of the hot water boils into steam. The steam is then separated from the water and used to power a turbine/generator.

● Binary cycle power stations

○ Binary cycle power stations are the most recent development, and can accept fluid temperatures as low as 57 °C. The moderately hot geothermal water is passed by a secondary fluid with a much lower boiling point than water. This causes the secondary fluid to flash vaporize, which then drives the turbines. This is the most common type of geothermal electricity station being constructed today.

Geothermal power worldwide:

● At present, most geothermal power stations use natural hot springs

○ Armenia (USSR), Costa Rica, El Salvator, Japan, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, New Zeland, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea, Philipines, Russia, Turkey and USA

○ Use of natural hot springs allow to lower drilling costs

● Modern technologies allow deep drilling for geothermal ○ we looking for deep-underground water reservoirs or caverns to

be filled with seawater as heat transferring agent.

Project development stages:

Geothermal energy benefits:

● self-sufficient and sustainable

● low cost of equipment

(as only half of equipment needed

compared to fossil fuels electricity generation)

● long equipment life cycle

● no consumption of any fuel or material

● works on “free” energy from the earth

● 24/7/365 output at maximum power

● ecology-friendly as used in closed cycle

● Key drawback - high drilling cost

Output figures and Costs calculation:

Information and data needed

to forecast energy output:

●Geological map

●Lithological layers

●Temperature gradient of the bedrock through the depth to forecast the drilling costs:

● drilling depth

● drilling angle

● bedrock materials

in case all listed data is available through BGS or from any other source, we can figure geothermal power station capacity and cost per MW or we have to go through Geological Survey to get these data

Geological survey plan:

Survey plan takes 6-9 weeks to draw (Based on initial geological data)

● For Seismological and Geological Survey we would use best of Russian, CIS and international expertise and experience

● We have long term relations with market leaders

● We keen to deliver best results at reasonable cost

Geological survey Stages:

Seismological survey

○ Electromagnetic survey

● Seismological data analysis

● Geological drilling survey

● Temperature gradient data collection

○ existing boreholes can be used along with new drilled

● Rock cores analysis

● Geological survey report preparation

(Report provides all data for Output and General costs calculation)

Geological Survey takes 6-9 month

Project proposal preparation:

4-6 weeks to draw

(based on Geological survey data or Geological data provided)

● Power capacity calculation

(based on temperature gradient and underground reservoir size)

● Choose the machinery type

● Drilling cost calculation

(based on depth, soils, bedrock material and bore size)

● Drilling cost calculation

Through this stage we can figure price £ per MW

Noise and anxiety:

● Survey stage:

○ Seismological survey uses small safe explosives and produce less noise than pneumatic hammer

○ No noise for electromagnetic survey

○ Low noise for survey drilling

● Drilling stage:

○ Geothermal well drilling has low noise and vibrations

○ Equipment comes in standard shipping containers (no oversizes)

● Construction stage:

○ Average for the industry

● Operation stage:

○ Lower noise than diesel power station as no engines used